A reading. Then rehearsal. Then a play.
I'm slow with the news, even when there's plenty of it. This is a fact. But the next couple of months are busy and exciting, so here's a little of the news. I head to Pioneer Theatre Company in Salt Lake City for a January 27-28 reading of my newest play i, traveling from NYC with Wes Grantom, friend and constant directing cohort, and handsome and extremely talented Todd Gearhart and joining three actors in Utah (Susannah Florence, Colleen Baum and Alexandra Harbold) for the fun. It's a play I'm proud of, and am honored to get a chance to give it a look-see with the fantastic folks at Pioneer.
Then (and by then, I mean immediately upon returning, like, the next day), rehearsals start in NYC at TACT for the world premiere of The Gravedigger's Lullaby. Directed by my other friend and constant directing cohort Jenn Thompson, we have one of those dreamy casts that makes you aware that occasionally you just have to sit back and appreciate your luck. I'm putting their pictures here, because they are good looking and I like having their pictures here. The show runs February 28 - April 1, and I honestly, truly hope you join us. I'm ridiculously excited.
Ted Koch
KK Moggie
Todd Lawson
Jeremy Beck
I won't lie - there are a couple of other things going on; but I can't share them yet. And I know, that's the worst. So, I'm the worst. Deal with it. But please come see our play - I'll say hi to you after. I'm easy to find. I'm the quiet guy in the back.