Long time, no see . . .
Hi. I am objectively terrible at updating this part of my website. Guilty. But if you are reading this (and I don’t really know if . . . anybody is?), my name is Jeff and I’m a well-socialized introvert who does not enjoy talking about themselves, so the 21st century is maybe not my optimal timeline. That said, it’s the one I’m in, so . . .
I’m writing this at the end of a long day in Western Nebraska, where I am hanging out with my mother for a bit while she navigates some real-life stuff. And if I’m being honest, most of the days here are long. (But I mean, like . . . literally - as in, there seem to be extra hours squeezed into the 24-hour format, which my husband would swear is true. You can ask him.) TODAY’s long day, though, was so joyful, because it started with an announcement that a little musical I wrote with my writing partner Will Van Dyke called fuzzy is going to have its world premiere this July at Barrington Stage Company in Massachusetts, and I honestly could not be more bowled over by the both the fact of this and the truth of it.
Because I have written a lot of things, and I am here to tell you the thing we all know: you can write ‘em, but getting ‘em done is NOT EASY. And by “not easy” I mean “possibly impossible.” But this little musical has made its way with what seems like some sweet sparkly fairy dust attached to it. We wrote it, brought our collaborating director and music director (Ellie Heyman and Patrick Sulken, actual magical artists) on-board, and did a week-long workshop of it with some other actual magical artists and not even a year later, here we are: on the season of a theatre that I have seen so many wonderful things at that I can’t even pinch myself to see if I’m sleeping because the pinches would leave bruises.
All of which is to say . . . I’m going to try to leave more updates here just in case you come back to read more. I’ll start by promising that in a couple weeks I’ll drop in here and give a little summary of our next workshop, which we’re doing in NYC just after Valentine’s Day to get ready to actually do the thing this summer. So if you ARE here, come back in a couple weeks. I can’t promise it’ll be interesting, but I can promise it will have . . . like . . . words describing an experience. And maybe I’ll even take a picture.
For now, I’ll just leave you with a picture of what I see every morning here in Western Nebraska when I take my walk, almost inevitably as the sun is coming up.
The world is a pretty place. Or it can be. I try to remember that every day. Today it went out of its way to remind me.
Thanks for dropping by. Nice to see you.